Looking Back On 2015

At the end of every year, we look back and take stock of what that time held for us.Needless to say, now is the time I have been thinking back about this year 2015, which is about to come to a close.Though it has been an exciting event filled year, this one has been a mixed bag of good and bad surprises as life often tends to be.For me, this is one way to have a record of events to look back on and reminiscence.

A Retake of the Good, The Bad and the Ugly.....

 The Good:  Some good things have happened here in Australia since the start of the year.We applied for permanent residency after the surprise round of firing happening in my husband's company at the start of the year.We got it on  3 July.We got to witness the housing boom in Sydney with many houses crossing epic prices.

In many ways it was a fresh start for me this year.My passion as an artist...well...yes...I am an artist as well.... was rewarded.I will write about that some other time. But the good thing is I exhibited in some places and my paintings at the Parramatta Open Art Exhibition won me some prizes.My painting Titled "Soulmate" won me the first prize - a cash award of $500 and another one titled celebration won me a third prize.It feels very good to establish myself as a local artist.Keeping my fingers crossed for my paintings to sell.

 The Bad:The bad stuff to happen this year were the deaths of two family members dear to us, on my husbands side.His grandmother passed away and his uncle as well shortly after. It just gave us time to reflect on how short life is and how there are no guarantees as to how or when we will leave this earth.We were stuck here and everyone knows that death of dear ones leave you with a lot of time to think about your mortality, especially when you are abroad.I just hope that all this thinking leaves us less material loving and more compassionate as  human beings.

 The Ugly: The good and bad cannot be heard without mention of the ugly. And the ugly here has been the recent flooding happening in Chennai. Water logging in houses with the smell of sewage water is something which many of us in Chennai will not be able to forget for a very long time.Many lives were lost.The amount of water released from the various reservoirs near Chembarambakkam , Adyar has been epic and unheard of. It is just that Chennai was not prepared for rains of this level.Property has been damaged severely and the help which has been pouring around has just shown us how strong this community is. I personally feel it is a time for all of us to realize that we need to start giving back what we have taken from nature for granted. Since it is Chennai we are talking about, many of us will have already realized that the only help that we are going to be getting is from the people nearby and not any political bighead or leader.

 Now is the time for us to implement steps of waste management  on a individual level and use the power of social media to try to repair not only our homes, but the roads, drains and filth surrounding us.It should not take a flood for us to stop littering in streets and living with garbage around us.Most of all, we should not forget to question our leaders on what is being done with the tax payers money.It is  time for us to stop living selfish and to start to thinking about the greater good of Chennai in every little thing we do.

Happy New Year Everyone.I hope 2016 brings all good surprises for us.
